As Christmas is just a few days away, many of us are taking the time to think about the upcoming New Year and what goals we have in mind as January 1st, 2015 rolls around. Many people refer to to these as resolutions, but personally, I like to call them goals. I feel like they are better described this way as they aren't all necessarily a "resolution" but are more so a goal I would like to achieve in the coming year.
Below is a random list of things I would like to do/accomplish in the coming year. I think it's important to write these down because as time flies by and life gets crazy, I find it difficult to remember these, which in turn makes it impossible to achieve them. Plus, by sharing them with all of you, there is a little bit of accountability to follow-through on my part. As I achieve these goals, I will share with you a post about how/when I achieved each of them. In turn, I hope you are inspired to share and achieve your own goals in 2015! Don't be afraid to write them down and share them. No matter how big or small they are, they are important to you!- Send those I love random notes via regular mail
- Keep a planner for personal appointments/events.
- Keep a tighter family budget.
- Attend one of those B.Y.O.B. painting nights with Savy Daddy
- Plan more gatherings with friends
- De-clutter our home of the things we don't use regularly
- Get to know our neighbors better
- Volunteer at a food pantry
- Lose at least 30 pounds (eat healthier/exercise daily)
- Chose positive thoughts/words over negative ones
- Rent an RV and take a fun trip with the family
- Print off recent photos of our family and hang them in frames around our house
- Complete at least one Pinterest craft successfully
- Have one date night per a month even if it's just coffee at Starbucks
- Eat less Oreos (yes, this is a real goal)
- Focus on buying just what we need and not impulse shop
- Read at least one book that is non-fiction
- Send flowers to someone when they least expect it
- Organize a drive to collect items and/or monetary donations for charity
- Use my Kitchenaid pasta attachment
- Plan free and fun family outings
- Interact more with my blog followers
- Learn to crochet
- Have random dance parties with my kids
Remember that every day is a new day and enjoy the moment and not worry about yesterday or tomorrow!
Do you have goals for 2015? If so, please feel free to share them below!

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