We all know how fun it is to "pin" all over Pinterest, but how many of those ideas can the average person actually replicate? I mean, I have tried a handful of pins and can admit I have about a 50% success rate. Who really has the time to make some of that stuff?! Do the moms stay up all night or lock their children up while doing it?! Are there people whose only job is to create pin worthy crafts and recipes with the sole purpose of making the rest of us feel like failures half the time?!
With this on my mind. I've decided to challenge myself (while taking care of 2 toddlers and a newborn) and see how successful I can be at completing my favorite pins. I haven't picked a particular time frame for this challenge but the idea is to cross different types of pins (ie kids crafts, home remedies, recipes) and report back my success or failure here on the blog.
So, enjoy the ride, it's sure to be a bumpy one!
To start off, I selected something easy and fun to do with the kids and perfect for this time of year:
Turkey decorations!
Basically, the supplies are:
- Toilet paper roll (I used paper towel roll cut in half)
- Paper plate
- Brown, red, orange, yellow paint
- Construction paper
- Craft googly eyes
- Paint toilet paper roll brown for turkey head/ body
- Cut paper plate in half and paint it yellow, red, orange for the turkeys tail
- Let both dry and glue two googly eyes near top of toilet paper roll.
- Cut out triangle from orange or yellow construction paper and glue under eyes for beak.
- Glue back of body/head to front of tail (paper plate).
Both kids easily painted the body/head brown. Then, they enjoyed painting the tails anyway they wished. The only limitation I gave them was the colors they could use. Otherwise, they both freely painted the tail and made it uniquely theirs. Once finished, we let them dry. We didn't have any craft googly eyes so I just painted the eyes on with white paint and made the centers the colors of the kids eyes. I also decided to paint yellow legs and feet on them for added fun.
I think this was a success as the kids are just shy of 2 and 4 years old so they aren't exactly painting experts but they really loved it!
The only thing I would do I'd trim down the paper towel roll halves a little so the tail would stick out above them, but otherwise it looks pretty close to me!
Enjoy today's post? Make sure you check back often for the next Pinterest Pass or Fail!
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