Potty Time Review & Giveaway! - CLOSED

Why Potty Time?

Potty Time is the newest product line from Two Little Hands, the makers of the award-winning Signing Time program, currently being aired on public television stations and Nick, Jr.

Potty Time is a playful and positive approach to potty training for children ages 1-5 with music and videos featuring Emmy-nominated host, Rachel Coleman.

Potty Time supports any potty training method by helping children:
• Listen to their bodies
• Stop what they are doing to go to the bathroom
• Celebrate their successes
• Deal with accidents in a positive way
• Appreciate their amazing bodies

Potty Time teaches the potty routine along with signs that children of any age can use to talk about growing up, using the potty, and celebrating successes of all kinds. Signs are especially useful for potty training infants and toddlers.

https://de24b3b4-a-d0773d49-s-sites.googlegroups.com/a/signingtime.com/potty-time-marketing-assets/pt-product-bundles/potty-time-set/PT-StartKit_Print.jpg?attachauth=ANoY7coEYgnYxSjYnm4Suxz1kOEUdybP0p_BbWrTwo31xyrmubELQkcLcGDJpJ6mQE-pic3QvB79HVepW1t58kqLEUafCSx13cmeId7j6i0tyVmuonYGdo_RagzXEODqhhAvgz-5fDCU9SoN48_nNjA7ryyX-7-oMoGbRfJhY3JTG_zVxSYno8KI_j2P7ab7teQuc2PYIQrvysWH98pIDmAcZonkt1Yd10GXd2tt1Mm-pha_FqMd4j0i25zdr8m9gUmfv8qB9BhhmDH27b9AIbeo8npgz525t2KlT4YBXKvLLhKbOvxKTys%3D&attredirects=0Potty Time DVD + Music CD
The Potty Time DVD shows music videos with real people and animated characters that help children feel good about growing up and trying something new - using the potty! Hosted by Emmy-nominated Rachel Coleman. 30 minutes, includes special features. The Potty Time CD features 9 original songs, with a sing-along track for each! These playful and positive songs help children feel good about their bodies and celebrate successes of any kind.

Potty Time Reminder Watch for Kids
Never forget a potty reminder again! The colorful watch with timer uses music and blinking
lights to remind your child that it’s time to go! Encourage independence by setting reminders at 30, 60, or 90- minute intervals. (The timer automatically resets itself again and again, so you don’t
have to!) Use the Potty Watch to help your child stay on the potty longer by listening to
songs in the “play” mode. Pediatrician recommended.

Personal Review:
Nicholas with Hopkins
When we found out we were offered the opportunity to review a product from Two Little Hands, we couldn't wait!  We have a huge library of their DVDs/CD's from which,our son has learned over 50 signs. At the age of 9 months, he was able to tell us when he wanted milk, to eat, and was all done, thanks to Baby Signing Time.
The timing of this product review was perfect, as we were just diving into the challenging, yet rewarding world of potty training with our son (2 years, 9 months). The package we received contained the Potty Time DVD, Music CD, Reminder Watch, and a Hopkins stuffed animal.  Immediately my son recognized the Hopkins from the many signing time DVDs we already own and watch and was super excited!
After he had Hopkins, I showed him the watch and he couldn't wait for me to open it and set it. After opening the watch, I used the "Play" demo mode to show him that it plays music when it's time to go potty and he was very excited.  Since it had been an hour since he had last gone, I only set it for 30 minutes (I changed and kept it to 90 minutes after this initial set).  I figured this was long enough to watch the Potty Time video and then it would go off.  The watch is good quality (very solid) and in the very fun and appealing (to a toddler) shape of a potty.  The only thing that I would like to see is that the wristband were slightly more flexible, but it must be comfortable, because he kept it on without a single complaint and he is really sensitive to different textures.  For the next week, he wore that watch everywhere, including grandma and grandpa's house where he just kept showing it off to everyone. He was so proud that it played music when it was time to go potty.  As for my husband and I, we have found that throughout the day, we often forget how long it has been since he went potty, so the watch is definitely extremely helpful as a reminder for him AND us. Every time it goes off, he gets very excited and runs for the potty!
Watching his new potty watch!

As I stated earlier, we watched the video immediately and within the first few minutes, our son was already picking up the signs.  He was so excited every time he saw someone in the video with the watch on, so that made him feel really special about having one too.  As with all of the Baby Signing/Signing Time products, the songs are easy to learn and easy on the ears!  The DVD is the perfect length of time for a toddler and even our daughter who is 9 months old enjoyed watching it.
Showing Hopkins that he's on the TV!

Later in the day, we listened to the music CD, and loved that as well.  We keep our collection of Baby Signing Time CD's in the car, so this was a great addition to the collection.  My son loves having a new set of songs to learn the signs to.

Overall, the Potty Time package met and exceeded our expectations: A reliable, fun, educational, high-quality product from one of our favorite companies.  We highly recommend it for potty training little ones!

Here is the fun part!  Two Little Hands is generously providing a giveaway to one of my lucky readers. You will receive an identical package to the one we reviewed: Potty Time DVD, Music CD, Reminder Watch and stuffed Hopkins!

Potty Time Prize Pack
There are multiple ways to enter below. This giveaway will be open until 11:59pm EST on Saturday, October 6th. While waiting to see if you are the winner, I highly encourage you to browse the Signing Time as they have a lot of really great products available for all ages!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.*

Time to Go Potty!

This DIY is a very easy, fun, and inexpensive craft for potty training your little one. I decided to give it a whirl with Nicholas who will be 3 near the end of the year.
At his school, they have a routine where all the kids sit every few hours and try and go potty.  But at home, we rarely had success getting him to sit, let alone go on it.  Since the goal was to have him potty trained by the age of 3, I figured it would be a good time to start really pushing it.  On a Saturday a few weeks ago, we all went to the local 1$ store and I picked up: 1 sheet of yellow poster board, 1 package of multicolor permanent markers, and 1 package of colored foil star stickers.  Then I used them to assemble Nicholas' potty chart. Here is the finished product:

Nicholas absolutely loved the stickers right away.  As you can see on the chart, Nicholas receives a small prize every 5 stickers! In the prize box, I have assembled some fun things like puzzles and books.  This is also fairly inexpensive as I bought the majority of the stuff at the local Goodwill for 59 cents each.  The rest of it we had collected over the years from various parties, school activities, etc.
Nicholas was so excited when he got his first prize!  He chose one of the small puzzles.  Beware though, as we learned, you need to keep the box out of sight, or otherwise, your little one will think the entire box is the prize and go through it when you aren't looking :-) Here is a picture of the prizes:

It's been about 3 weeks and Nicholas has been doing great!  He's even to the point, where he doesn't care as much about the stars and prizes, but is genuinely excited about just going potty!  Again, this project only cost a little over $3 for the board and another $7 for the books/puzzles.  As for the potty training, well, we all know it is priceless!

Oh, and just a little hint...my next giveaway will be something "Potty Time" related :-)

Winner of the AllyZabba TravelZabba!

Thanks to everyone who entered our first giveaway!  I just used random.org to choose the winner:  Entry #24, Erica Bruno!  Erica, please check your inbox for an e-mail from me for more information, so I can get your prize shipped!  Thanks again to everyone that visited and entered! I look forward to posting many more giveaways very soon!

Also, if you didn't win, keep in mind that the coupon code: savy15 is valid through September 30, 2012 for 15% of any order on the AllyZabba website!