Sneaky Pete's All Natural Oat Beverage Review and #Giveaway

About Sneaky Pete's (source:

1. What makes Sneaky Pete’s so special?
Sneaky Pete’s is the first refreshing oat based beverage, which tastes great.  Now there is a refreshing way to easily get the fiber your body needs in a great tasting, fruit flavored, heart healthy, oat based beverage that is low in calories and all natural.  Sneaky Pete’s contains 3 grams of dietary oat fiber in each 12 ounce bottle.
2. Why are oats good for your health?
Scientific studies have concluded that oats contain a special kind of soluble fiber that has been found to be especially effective in lowering cholesterol.
3. What is the difference between grain and fiber?
Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, corn, or another cereal is a grain product. Bread, pasta, oatmeal and grits are all grain products. There are two main types of grain products: whole grains and refined grains.  Whole grains contain the entire grain – the bran, germ and endosperm. Examples include whole-wheat flour, oatmeal, whole cornmeal, brown rice and bulgur. Dietary fiber is sourced from whole grains, and as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease.  The oat bran concentrate in Sneaky Pete’s provides 3g of dietary fiber and 2g of soluble fiber per bottle.

4. Why are grain and fiber so important to the body?
Eating whole grains provides important health benefits: Whole grains are generally good sources of dietary fiber; most refined (processed) grains contain little fiber. Dietary fiber from whole grains, as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber-containing foods such as whole grains help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories.  This benefit helps in managing your weight.
5. How does Sneaky Pete’s help me with my fiber intake?
Sneaky Pete’s contains 3grams of Fiber in every bottle, which is equal to eating a bowl of oatmeal.  Over 50% of adults and 90% of children do not take in the daily fiber they need.  Read the nutrition facts panel on food labels to determine how much fiber is in the food you are choosing.  The FDA recommends 25 grams of daily dietary fiber are needed by adults who consume 2,000 calories per day.  30 grams of daily dietary fiber are suggested for adults who consume 2,500 calories per day.  The following USDA link shows specific fiber requirement guidelines by age and gender:

SMM Review: 

I received a variety package of two of each flavor of Sneaky Pete's for our review.  I definitely struggle some days to get the fiber my body needs and so I am always looking for easy ways to sneak in more.

We decided to put our Sneaky Pete's in the refrigerator and once chilled try them out.  I tried out the Peach flavor first and it was really good.  I do admit that there is a slight taste of oats in this drink, but it doesn't overpower the delicious peach flavor.  This drink is really smooth and not at all what you might expect from an oat beverage.
Over the course of the next week, Savy Daddy and I continued to sample all of the flavors.  I can honestly say that the fact that Savy Daddy managed to drink 80% of these before I got to them, they must be delicious!  He isn't one to drink something that tastes icky, no matter how good for you it is, so Sneaky Pete's definitely passed the test!

Overall, this drink is really tasty, smooth to drink, and portable so you can drink it on the go! I find that I drink mine when I get up in the morning to give me those all important nutrients that I lost overnight. I definitely recommend if you are looking for a good-tasting, easy way to get extra fiber and oats into your diet, you give Sneaky Pete's a try, because I think you will find you will enjoy it while it's "sneaks" in those valuable nutrients!

Learn More: You can learn more about Sneak Pete's All Natural Oat Beverage on their website. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter!

Buy: They are available at a huge list of retailers, as well as on the Sneaky Pete's website.  

Win: One of my readers will win a Sneaky Pete's All Natural Oat Beverage Variety Pack (ARV $25).  Open to U.S. Residents Only.  Giveaway ends 9/10/13 at 11:59pm CST.
 Vote for me @ Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory 


  1. I'd love to try the Mango Oat :)

  2. I would like to try the raspberry flavor. Thank you!

  3. I would like to try the Peach flavor.

  4. I would love to try the mango flavor...Oatmeal based juice, thats an interesting idea.

  5. I want to try the mango!

  6. Peach or Apple :)

  7. I think the peach or the apple would be my favorite.

  8. I would like the raspberry or the peach

  9. I'd like to try the Mango flavor.
    Michelle Tucker


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