Oh Baby Baby! I just gave birth to our third child, Baby L. on 11/1 and in honor of her birth, I have teamed up with Buddy Doo's Adventure-Roos & Little Angel on a Mission to feature some of our absolute must-have baby & mama items!
Today Features:
About My Brest Friend (source: www.mybrestfriend.com)
The first pillow specifically designed for breastfeeding. My Brest Friend was developed in a “laboratory” of new moms, babies, and breastfeeding experts who set out to do what no one had done before: create a pillow whose sole purpose was to answer all the needs of breastfeeding moms and babies. Spearheading the effort was inventor Andrew Zenoff, a bachelor who proved that sometimes the best ideas come from those who have just enough distance from a problem to imagine solutions that have never been considered before.First, Andrew and his team compiled a list of every complaint breastfeeding moms could think of with the existing pillows. The list ranged from lower back pain due to improper support, to poor latch-on, to babies “rolling” inward or away during the feeding due to using U-shaped pillows. This began a lengthy cycle of design and test, followed by redesign and retest until we had built over 50 prototypes in a single year. We poked, prodded, raised, lowered, tightened, loosened, shifted and adorned until, at last, we had a pillow that our mom testers loved so much, they couldn’t find a single way to improve upon it. Then, and only then, did we introduce My Brest Friend to mothers everywhere.16 years later: the pillow loved around the worldToday My Brest Friend’s patented wrap-around design has made fans in over 33 countries where it is sold, as well as being used in hundreds of NIC units and birthing hospitals. It is the #1 choice of lactation consultants and consistently earns raves among nursing mothers, many of whom tell us our pillow has helped them achieve longer holding and feeding cycles with their babies. My Brest Friend has helped millions of moms breastfeed their babies. Our stylish new prints and fabrics make My Brest Friend the perfect item to register for or give as a gift.S.M.M. Review
For this review, I received the Deluxe Pillow in Periwinkle print. This nursing pillow is really nice! As a lactation consultant I know said "It's the Cadillac of nursing pillows." Upon receiving it, I noticed that it came packaged nicely and well protected. I could see the print of the pillow cover through the package and loved it! It is perfectly periwinkle and has a really nice design on it. I received it just before my Baby L. was born and so I had some time to check it out before actually putting it to use. I could tell that this experience would be different from my previous nursing pillow experiences and couldn't wait to try it out! Since Baby L. was born I have been using this item daily and I love it! Some of my favorite features include:- Large zippered opening/closure that allows for easy removal of the cover for washing.
- Machine washable cover.
- Zipper has a locking ring, which locks it closed. I find this is really useful since I have another certain little toddler who loves to zip/unzip things!
- Cover is very soft and velvety and an attractive pattern.
- Support Side which helps elevate Baby L.'s head to the right level when nursing.
- Easy adjustable "waistband" for sizing the pillow to stay perfectly around your midsection.
- Wrap around design keeps the pillow exactly where you need it for
- Heavy duty clasp that's easy to clip/unclip with one hand.
- Easy to access front pocket, which I find perfect for carrying my cell phone and nursing supplies (i.e. lanolin, breastpads). This pocket has a bungie type of closure so there are no zippers/snaps, etc. to worry about since I usually am accessing this with one hand.
- Wrap around design with integrated back support. This is a feature that I really love since I nurse on soft surfaces such as our couch or bed, it provides a bit of firmness and support behind me.
- This pillow is very firm, which really helps keep the baby at the optimal position for nursing.
If you or someone you know is looking for an excellent pillow for nursing support, this is definitely one to try out! This pillow's name fits perfectly as it is definitely mine and any nursing mother's Brest Friend! It is without a doubt one of those items that supports my nursing adventure and helps me succeed!
Learn More: You can learn more about the My Brest Friend pillow and their entire line of products on their website! Also be sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on all their current and upcoming products!
Purchase: Are you a expectant/nursing mom or know someone else that could use this? If so, you can purchase it directly from the My Brest Friend website! Use Code: NOV2013 and save 20% off until 12/5/13!
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