Day #5: Kickin' It Off With Cloth, A Thrifty Nifty Mommy Blogger Network Event

Kickin' It Off With Cloth
There are three fun reviews and giveaways today, along with an informative post!
Today's cloth diapering post is about prepping your diapers, courtesy of Viva Veltoro. Click Here to learn more!

Courtesy of Open Hands, a Kickin' It Off with Cloth review and giveaway sponsored by Kissed by the Moon! Enter Here
Courtesy of Courtney's Sweets, a Kickin' It Off with Cloth review and giveaway sponsored by Oh Katy! Enter Here
Courtesy of Pompa En Tela, a Kickin' It Off with Cloth review and giveaway sponsored by Wee Expressions! Enter Here

Stay tuned the entire month of January for more exciting cloth diapering posts, reviews and giveaways!

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