D.R.T. 2015 - Day #15: Eat The Placenta? #crunchy #parenting #momlife #randomthoughts #2015

What a fun thought of the day, right? Since having my youngest, I think that this is something that is a trend on the rise.  So, I wonder....If I were to have another child someday, would I have my placenta encapsulated post-birth? A little more research into it, led me to a few interesting articles:
Is it really beneficial? It appears there is some controversy over this question. Many mothers say "Yes, it helped me recover faster!", while others say "I didn't notice a difference." and a third set actually claim "It made me feel worse!".
Here is the link to an article on US News I find interesting covering this subject.
WebMD has some more scientific based information about it on their website.
This is an interesting story by a woman who took the pills and had a poor reaction.
Overall, I think that this process is interesting, intriguing and worth a shot!

What do you think?

I hope you enjoyed Day #15 of Daily Random Thoughts 2015. Check back tomorrow for Day #16! Click here to catch up on the entire series. Make sure to follow me on FACEBOOKTWITTERINSTAGRAM and PINTEREST for lots of fun stuff and to stay up to date on new blog posts!

If you are interested in working with me, you can reach me at savymommymoments@gmail.com.

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