D.R.T. 2015 Day #21: Homemade Ice Cream #icecream #2015 #randomthoughts

If you know me, you know that I love ice cream. I mean, I'm not one of those people that have to eat it only during warm months. If I did, that means I would miss out on it approximately half the year! I mean, imagine 6 months without this delectable treat?!
The only thing I don't like about ice cream is that it's nearly impossible to find a brand in our local store that doesn't contain a ton of chemicals. I mean, it's just like cream, sugar, and maybe cocoa (for chocolate), right?
Well, here are a few of my favorite recipes from my blogger friends!

I hope you enjoyed Day #21 of Daily Random Thoughts 2015. Check back tomorrow for Day #22! Click here to catch up on the entire series. 

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